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Type: Government
Organization: The National Institutes of Health, National Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Features: A boatload of information welcomes you into this site - top news releases, an education page that provides the basic diabetes stats, links to professional and voluntary organizations, materials translated into Spanish, and interactive health education tools (quizzes, videos, podcasts, etc). You’ll find updates on current research being done at NIDDK and links to published research from these studies. Last but not least, you’ll find information about opportunities to become part of a clinical trial related to diabetes care and treatments. Pretty cut and dry, but excellent, reliable info.

Type: Government
Organization: National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP), National Institutes of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Features: NDEP’s mission is to educate people with and at risk for diabetes as well as family members, community members, healthcare providers and even business leaders. With a homepage that provides a tool titled “Find Publications for Me”, you know this site will be user-friendly! The “Quick Facts” pages will answer your basic questions, while the Publications and Resources pages allow you to delve deeper into news, research and facts about Diabetes. You can also “Browse by Topic” to find exactly what you’re looking for. Also, check out NDEP’s new database “Support for Behavior Change Resources” consider subscribing to NDEP’s e-publications News & Notes and Update.  


Type: Government
Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s diabetes division known as the Division of Diabetes Translation)
Features: CDC’s Division of Diabetes Translation is now hard at work helping realize that prediabetes can be prevented or delayed and that diabetes can be controlled. The “Diabetes Public Health Resource” on the home page of this site starts you off with an “A-Z” topic-search bar and provides everything in between. Under the popular topics, you’ll find information on – Diabetes & Me, Education Resources, Projects & Programs, Data & Trends (this is where the go-to document on diabetes facts and figures lives), Publications, and News & Resources.

Type: Association
Organization: American Diabetes Association (ADA)
Features: While the ADA is funding millions of dollars of diabetes research and continuing their mission to improve the lives of those with diabetes, they also pack a lot of useful resources into their website! Browsing through their sections you’ll find Food & Fitness, Planning for Parents & Kids, Community Events (use your zip code to find events going on near you!), Living with Diabetes (find a diabetes education program near you), Diabetes Basics, and of course links to the latest News and studies. Sign up for e-newletters to stay up to date or browse through stories from their magazine Diabetes Forecast. A terrific way to stay up to date on the tests and checks you should have (if you can make your way through the medical jargon is the annually updated (in January) Clinical Practice Recommendations in the professional section. Don’t forget to check out the ADA Store loaded with books (yes, I’ve written several) and resources helpful for managing diabetes.

Type: Association
Name: American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE)
Features: AADE is made up of a variety of healthcare professionals (mainly nurses, dietitians and pharmacists) with a mission to “promote healthy living through self-management of diabetes”, working towards a vision of “optimal health and wellness” for people living with diabetes. Geared more towards their healthcare professional members, this site provides Resources, information about AADE’s Diabetes Education Accreditation Program, Research Agendas, and Journals and Newsletters. Find a diabetes educator in your area or find an AADE Accredited Diabetes Education Program in your area. There is a plethora of information on how to become professionally involved in the prevention, research and health promotion around this disease. 


Type: Association
Organization: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)
Features: JDRF is a leading research organization in the effort to find a cure for type 1 diabetes and to improve diabetes management for those who live with diabetes and their family members. On the JDRF website, you’ll find information “For Scientists”, ways to get involved. Many pages of information touch on myriad aspects of “Life with Diabetes.” You’ll also find JDRF publications, ways to donate to JDRF and much more. JDRF has an additional site for Kids and Teens.

Type: Association (International)
Organization: The International Diabetes Federation (IDF)
Features: Known as the “umbrella organization” for more than 200 national diabetes associations, spanning over 160 countries, IDF brings you a site promoting diabetes care, prevention and quest for a cure. You can join the IDF membership, shop for resources, read up on international diabetes news, browse the material for the media, and/or join one of their working groups to become involved with IDF members worldwide!


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